(sada na http://glogonj.cjb.net/ i http://www.glogonj.co.cc/ )
je našao svoje mesto na Internetu, sada već davne 2000 godine.
Sajt, na kojem su se još tada, mogli naći podaci o Glogonju, fotografije, kao i najnovije informacije, rastao je iz godine u godinu i polako počeo da živi svoj život.
Prvobitna verzija sajta se
još uvek nalazi na adresi www.glogonj.8m.com (pisan u htm-u).
U to vreme je zbog brzine interneta, bilo nemoguće postaviti neku fotografiju iz Glogonja, sve se radilo iz Pančeva.
Par godina kasnije sajt je postavljen na yahoo servere, naravno sada u html-u (sada vidljiv uz ostale stare sajtove jedna verzija na adresi http://www.oocities.org/glogonj/, a druga na http://members.fortunecity.com/glogonj/s/index_s.html ) kasnije je profunkcionisao na joomli a sada na wordpresu.
Tekstove sam napisao koristeći raspoloživu literaturu i to:
1. Govor povodom 150-te godišnjice kolonizacije Nemaca u Glogonj - Marija i Jelena Stanojevski
2. The history of the municipality Glogon - Speaking on the 150th anniversary of German colonization of Glogonj - dobijen iz Kanade od Kathleen Lara, čiji preci vode poreko iz Glogonja
3. Knjiga: Mit uns in Glogonj 1767 bis 1945 – Franz Lang
4. Knjiga: Pregled kolonozacije Vojvodine u XVIII i XIX veku - Borislav Jankulov
5 .Regionalni atlas Vojvodine Institut za geografiju PMF Novi Sad
6. Geografske monografije vojvodjanskih opština - Institut za geografiju PMF Novi Sad
7. Geografska topografija Pančeva
8. Pokrajinski zavod za statistiku Novi Sad
9. Romanii din banatul Sarbesc - Gligor Popi
10. Crkveni kalendar RPC
11. Praistorija Stanovanje-istorijski razvoji – Mirjana Roter-Blagojević
12. List "Libertatea" Pančevo
Tekst je preveden na dva svetska jezika: NEMAČKI I ENGLESKI.
Nemački: Jelena Stanojevski
Engleski: Dorel Voštinar i Lara Kathy
Tekst je preveden i na Mađarski, prevod se nalazi na sajtu Vajdaság
Prilog o Glogonjskim običajima -
Ugovaranje svadbe i svadbeni običaji Rumuna iz Glogonja - je rad Jelene Trajkovski studenta Etnologije i antropologije na Filozofskom fakultetu.
Dok je deo o našem selu - SEĆANJA na život u Glogonju napisao Kosta Radišić.
Fotografije - https://picasaweb.google.com/dvostinar
Slike starog Glogonja sam prikupio zahvaljujući nesebičnoj pomoći nekoliko porodica iz Glogonja.
porodice Voštinar - Brkov, porodice Stanojevski, porodice Voštinar - Kokošu, porodice Muculj - Bužor, porodice Papuk, Gospođe Elisabeth Schenke geb.Eisenkolb.
Većinu novih fotografija, snimili smo moja supruga Olivera i ja - Dorel Voštinar, a tu su i albumi Gospodina Antona Nahma i Gospodina Sretena Nakića i porodice Strahinjić.
Video - http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=brkov58#g/u
video 'kanal' je nastao prikupljanjem snimaka koji prikazuju Glogonj i događaje vezane za naše mesto.Većinu snimaka sam snimio ja - Dorel Voštinar,
ali tu je film o Glogonju koji je uradio Gospodin Stanko Zeng, zatim snimci TV Pančeva i RT Vojvodine.
Školu je snimio Radovan Đorđević, a folkloraše Pirika Tot & Bane Petrović.
Tekstovi i fotografije se pojavljuju na internetu na mnogo lokacija i to potpisani od strane ljudi koji se (bez pardona) predstavljaju kao autori, a pojavila se i knjiga o selu čiji autori su jednostavno preuzeli sve što im je bilo potrebno i to potpisali.
Veliki broj ljudi u inostranstvu su se, posredstvom internet prezentacije, po prvi put susreli sa mestom gde su rodeni njihovi preci. Preko sajta su ostvareni kontakti koji se održavaju do današnjih dana. Neki od tih ljudi su posle mnogo godina konačno posetili Glogonj.
Naravno oni koji nisu u mogućnosti da dođu u posetu, to svakodnevno čine putem Interneta.
Tokom godina su nastali i sledeći sajtovi:
MESNA ZAJEDNICA GLOGONJ - http://www.mzglogonj.com/ - Zvanični sajt Mesne zajednice Glogonj (posle 6 godina postojanja, zakup servera ističe 2.9.2011 godine).
GLOGONJSKI PRAVOSLAVAC - Sajt SPC http://pravoslavac.byethost24.com/
RUMUNSKA PRAVOSLAVNA CRKVA http://biserica.byethost11.com/
DVD GLOGONJ http://dvdglogonj.wordpress.com/
OFK "STENLI" http://ofkstenli.wordpress.com/
LOVAČKO DRUŠTVO GLOGONJ http://lovci.wordpress.com/
Glogonj - Glogon - Glogoni - Glogau - Galagonyás (Torontál)
(now at http://glogonj.cjb.net/ and http://www.glogonj.co.cc/)
has found its place on the Internet in 2000.
The original version of the site is still located at www.glogonj.8m.com (written in htm).
A few years later the site was set to yahoo servers, of course, now in html (it is now visible at
http://www.oocities.org/glogonj/, with other ancient sites)
later on Joomla and now the wordpress.
I have written texts using the available literature, as follows:
1st Speaking on the occasion of 150th anniversary of German colonization in Glogonj - Maria and Jelena Stanojevski
2nd The history of the municipality Glogon - Relesed on the 150th anniversary of German colonization of Glogonj - received from a Canadian Kathleen Lara, whose ancestors originated from Glogonj
3rd Book: Mit uns in Glogonj 1767 bis 1945 - Franz Lang
4th Book: Overview colonization of Vojvodina in the eighteenth and nineteenth century - Borislav Jankulov
5th Regional Atlas of Geography Institute of Vojvodina - Novi Sad Faculty of Science
6th Geographical Monograph of Vojvodina municipalities - Institute of Geography Faculty Novi Sad
7th Geographical topography of Pancevo
8th Provincial Statistical Office of Novi Sad
9th Romania din banatul sârbesc - Gligor Popi
10th Church calendar Romanian Orthodox Church
11th Prehistory of Housing and historical developments - Mirjana Roter-Blagojevic
12th The newspaper "Libertatea" Pancevo
The text has been translated into two foreign languages: German and English.
German: Jelena Stanojevski
English: Dorel Voštinar and Kathy Lara
The text was translated into Hungarian, translation is on the site Vajdaság
Report on customs in Glogonj -
Arranging weddings and wedding customs of the Romanians from Glogonj - the work of Jelena Trajkovski student of ethnology and anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy.
While part of our village - MEMORIES of life in Glogonj written by Kosta Radišic
Photos - https://picasaweb.google.com/dvostinar
Pictures of old Glogonj I collected through the generous help of several families from Glogonj.
Voštinar family - Brkov, Stanojevski family, family Voštinar - Kokošu, family Muculj - Bužor, family Papuk, Frau Elisabeth Schenke geb.Eisenkolb, and Strahinjic
Most of the new images, were tacken by my wife Olivera and I - Dorel Voštinar,
and there are also Anton Nahms and Sreten Nakic phptp albums.
Video - http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=brkov58 # g / u
video 'channel' was created by collecting images that show Glogonj and events related to Glogonj
Most of the shots I took ( Dorel Voštinar ) , there is also a film about Glogonj who did Mr. Stanko Zeng.
The school was made Radovan Djordjevic, folklore Pirika Tot & Bane Petrovic.
There are articles and photos appearing on the Internet in many locations signed by people who (no pardon) are presented as the authors. Even a book has appeared whose authors have simply taken what they needed.
A large number of people through the website met the place, where their ancestors were born, for the first time.
Through the site were made contacts which are held to this day.
Some of these people have visited Glogonj after many years.
Of course those who are not able to come, do it online.
Over the years, there were createdother sites, showen on the list below:
LOCAL COMMUNITIES GLOGONJ - http://www.mzglogonj.com/ - Official website of the local community Glogonj (after 4 years of existence, the server lease expires in 09/02/2011).
SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH http://pravoslavac.byethost24.com/
ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH http://biserica.byethost11.com/
DVD GLOGONJ http://dvdglogonj.wordpress.com/
OFK "STENLI" http://ofkstenli.wordpress.com/
HUNTING SOCIETY GLOGONJ http://lovci.wordpress.com/
LOCAL COMMUNITIES GLOGONJ - http://www.mzglogonj.com/ - Official website of the local community Glogonj (after 4 years of existence, the server lease expires in 09/02/2011).
SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH http://pravoslavac.byethost24.com/
ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH http://biserica.byethost11.com/
DVD GLOGONJ http://dvdglogonj.wordpress.com/
OFK "STENLI" http://ofkstenli.wordpress.com/
HUNTING SOCIETY GLOGONJ http://lovci.wordpress.com/